Note all these services can be purchased as a gift voucher for friends or family.
Lifestyle and diet makeover – £180
2 hours interview with report and action plan
Lifestyle and diet makeover with food preparation/healthy cookery session – £250 including lunch or dinner
2 hours interview with report and action plan and 2 hour cooker session
Lifestyle and diet makeover with food preparation/healthy cookery session with additional cupboard audit to identify the toxins you are regularly using, which can be easily replaced with more healthy alternatives – £320 including lunch or dinner
- 2 hours interview with report and action plan
- 2 hour healthy cooking session
- 2 hours store cupboard audit and regular weekly shopping list preparation
Specific health problems / Valuable dietary changes – As for the above plus £25 research fee. (Additional fee not chargeable for common conditions)
Tailored to the individual
- Type 2 diabetes
- Eczema
- Overweight
Corporate Services: Tailored to exact requirements – From £350 (depending on numbers attending)
Presentations on healthier lifestyle initiatives suitable for workplace health and wellbeing days
For a two hour presentation and demonstration including healthy snacks for participants and handout materials for all delegates.
CFS (Chronic fatigue syndrome)
ME ( myalgic encephalomyelitis)
Or brain and muscle inflammation
Myalgia ( neuralgia ( nerve pain caused by inflammation affecting the muscles supplied by those nerves)
These distressing conditions ( all have much crossover) are becoming more common and sadly often poorly identified and seldom promptly diagnosed or treated by conventional medical practitioners.
The most likely response is to be told you’re depressed and given anti-depressant meds which will do nothing to help the underlying autoimmune condition that is causing the crippling fatigue, and can place extra load on the liver which is already under stress.
A session can be booked ( by phone or Skype) to empower you to understand your condition, the causes and safe effective dietary and lifestyle strategies to manage symptoms and calm down your immune system.
Dietary tweaks to help flood the body with key nutrients that can help reverse inflammation and speed healing. Lifestyle changes that can make the condition bearable and navigable, as well as facing up to ways to help yourself slowly work towards restoring a normal life style.
- Initial discussion up to 20 mins free.
- Consultations vary in price depending on time required.
- Discussed during initial discussion.